Monday, April 7, 2014

Words of Wisdom

For our major 3rd quarter project, we were assigned to take someone we know and film an interview about them and their words of wisdom. Claudia, Gabby, and I chose my gymnastics coach. We all know that gymnastics is a very demanding sport, both physically and mentally. In our video, we focused on Coach Jack's words of wisdom that help his gymnasts achieve their dreams. It took us about 3-4 days to film all of our b-roll. We kept having to go back because it was really hard to get sequencing. Gymnastics goes so fast that creating sequences without Final Cut Pro tricks was a challenge. In our video, Coach Jack mentions that you have to train without regret to perform without doubt. I think that he means if you do your best during practice then you will give the best performances possible. Practice makes perfect. It's important to know this because being a gymnast myself I get a lot of days where I don't complete what I wanted to complete. For example, I can do a back hand spring on high beam by myself, but I am too scared to do it without my coach standing there. It frustrates me when I try so hard, and know that I can do it, but my mind won't let me just do the trick. Having Coach Jack's words of wisdom let's me know that I just have to be patient and do my best every time.

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