Wednesday, April 2, 2014

5 Tips For Preventing Injuries

My team's topic was preventing injuries. We chose this topic because we felt it could really be useful to the general public. Many people in our society play sports. These sports often cause injuries. Most people don't know how to take care of their injuries to make them heal faster. In our video we explained how to take care of
yourself when you get hurt. I think that my team could have worked together and split up the work a little more. We kind of gave everybody one job that they stuck to the whole time. This made us not work together as well. We could have taken turns editing, or filming. Instead of just one person doing this the whole time. Overall, I think that our final product came out finished and organized. It was actually aired on one of our local television channels. That was pretty cool. I am proud of my team and what we accomplished.

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