Monday, March 3, 2014

Profile Project Progress

Our current project in my G.T. class is an "Elder Words of Wisdom" project. What we have to do, is chose someone who we respect. Someone who tells good stories, and interview them about what they do, or how they use their words of wisdom. We got into groups, Claudia, Gabby, and me, and we chose my gymnastics coach to interview. We chose him because we thought that in order to be a great gymnastics coach, you have to have good words of wisdom to help your gymnasts achieve their dreams.

The most technical parts of this project would probably have to be the voice-overs and B-roll. These key components are what go on top of the interviewees voice or in between, to tie everything together. Voice-overs are important because you can't rely on the interviewee to give a perfect interview. The voice-overs fill in the missing words that help the interviewee get across their point. B-roll  is most important when covering up the edits and giving the viewer a visual aspect other than just seeing the interviewee talk the whole time.

I would say that my team works pretty well together. If I were to point out some things that we could do to work better as a team, I would say we could have planned out who was going to do what before we actually did it. We kind of winged it when came down to who was going to shoot b-roll and do the voice-overs. This created some confusion between the group. Overall, I think that if our team works together to divide the work evenly, and everyone is always doing something, than we can meet the deadline with a high quality finished product.

I plan to go from good to great by getting some more sequencing so we don't have to use Final Cut Pro X features to crop the sequencing. Also, we can work together to stay on task with the editing and meeting the deadline. Today, Gabby and I will go to Kauai Gymnastics Academy for one last film session.


  1. How is life going? I love your blog the theme is super cool! I really like the work you have done in this class they were all terrific. See you on the soccer field!

  2. Your blog is gorgeous, I love the colors! I remember seeing you at KGA, your a really really great gymnast : ) All of your blog posts and work is really good too!
