Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Three Shot Sequences

A sequence is a combination of wide, medium, and close up shots that make a video more pleasing and interesting to the viewers eye. A good shot sequence explains an action or event without the extra stuff. That means you can express more ideas in less time. Long video clips bore the viewer to death. That's not what we want. To create a sequence you need to first identify the action that you want to shoot. Then you need to get the interesting shots. For example if you want to shoot someone scrambling eggs, you could get a wide shot of them cracking the eggs in the bowl. Then you could get a medium shot of them scrambling the eggs in the bowl with a whisk. Lastly, you get the close up of them cooking the eggs in the pan. This combination of shots will not only compress time, but it will catch the viewers eye in a way that one long, boring shot couldn't do.

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